Friday 6 June 2008

Uncivilize People [Part 2]...

Then there was this dude(which I'm not even bother to name him-.-) that didn't shuts the bathroom door when he pees...
HE PEES!?! Are you kidding me?!? But seriously, it did happened not once, not twice but MORE THAN TRICE!! There was once that I had the urge to urinate & when i juuuuuuuust about to push open the door, I notice there's a gap & to my horror(seriously it scares me-.-") this dude was "discharging" his urine inside...
Tak boleh tahan! Where he think he was? He's here living with a bunch of people & he didn't shuts the door? What if some girl comes in & sees it? Will he be responsible for it? There lived a Nigerian girl here at my place, guess what would happen if she saw it...
The Guy: *urinating* "Ahh~ Uuuuhhh~" *short trembling* "blublublu"

N. G i r l : *push open the door* "AHHHHHHHHH!!!!"

The Guy: "AHHHHH!" *turn away from direct vision* "Oh Shi*..."

N. G i r l : *shy* "err.. My native pet baby lion got a bigger Dic* than yours.."

The Guy: What the @#$%&@#$%&? O.o
So guys, please don't give girls a chance to screw you up! You going to be embarassing yourself, your country & most of all, MALES! Jantan! nan ren!
I still can't believe there are people act as uncivilize as this, i mean, they are above 20 now & if they lucky they become a father too by now. But still they act like cavedwellers that just learned how to start a fire.
God! We are living in IT world now with sophisticated/innovative gadgets around us & there were still people behaved like that? I can't do anything else besides be amazed by them like how chimpanzies amazed me by shaking their a** to the crowd.


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