Friday 21 March 2014

Life's Lesson. #1

Life, isn't like what it used to be. The knowledge from our ancestors are not 100% true any more.

In this modern era, people evolve. Society expectation droves people out of their comfort zone and into changing the behaviour of mankind. Thus, created a list of new individuals with million differences and one similarity. Let's take love for example:

Just love isn't sufficient any more, you need real strength in order to really capture your destiny. Even when overflowing love is demonstrated to the one you cherish, society has make it impossible to turn those effort into sure-gain outcome. Just like when you push a balloon into the lake, the more you push it downwards, the more it tries to float high up. The art of giving love isn't how much you say or do, but how thoughtful the little things you did for her when it matter most. Things that come naturally from you, from within. There's no planning, just sheer spontaneous actions. As for a man, this is even harder, as we are not built to be giving attention to details or remembering to give chocolates on the 100 hours dating anniversary and others. However, what men can really do to keep his woman is to be a real man.

Yes, it's just that simple.

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