Saturday 29 October 2011

Men-women Relationship Talk #3

In this short and concise post, there will be guidance and tips on how to show confidence even when you are a timid little boy

Like I said previously, a man that screams confidence during their presence attracts whoever is around. Maybe it is your coursemates, colleague, boss, ex-girlfriends, a dog from Mars, a triceratops or whoever you're trying to impress. Like it or not, confidence is the key in success in most area.
Especially when it comes to girls. 

--------------------------------------Confidence Is Like Money---------------------------------------- 


1) Head held high, chin up, stand straight, drop and relax your shoulders, stuck in your abdomen, put your body weight on your forefoot when you stand like clicking a remote control on the floor with your little toe. (A grin on your face will be a bonus if you execute it perfectly, if not, you'll look like you're constipating, execute it with you own risk)

These basic steps should be your first priority when you want to learn to look confident. It might be tough at first since you might not use to it, but fear not, keep remind yourself to do it, practice makes perfect. Soon enough, you'll become so use to it when it become part of you... The NEW YOU!

2) Stay cool, breathe normally (not too fast or slow), mentally says "calm down, it's just a chat", don't move too much or having huge gestures as it will show your anxiety. 

These little gestures are able to portray confident in you, as natural is just a step away from confidence.

3) Even walking is an art, try walking swiftly, but not too fast like you're running away from a Godzilla, or walking too slow when you're competing with snails for the slowest beings competition. 

It sounds like a lot of hard work, I know. Though, it is not easy, but the importance of it makes it such an excellent art to master.

4) Finally...


Nothing can be compared to a smile that comes from your heart! 
Again, doing it moderately, not like a hooligans-who-had-too-much-beer-and-talking-nonsense-type of smile.

Try smiling like you're grinning, and showing only 6 teeth which I called it the 6-teeth-smile. So, try mentally says "This person is fun, I'm going to have a great time with her/him" and smile from the inside.

-----------------------------------And Money Buy You Things--------------------------------------

From personal experience, even when you're not showing confidence from the inside, with the above gestures, it should be enough to let you prepare yourself into a situation before you really showing confidence from the inside. IMO.

Suck it up if you failed, flaunt it when you got the deal. 

(It's controversial, but it's deadly) 

Next post, I will discuss on some issues regarding body language. So, stay tuned. 



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