Tuesday, 29 April 2014

治标不治本 Root is still the problem

There was a time, when mere ignorance rules the land. The person does not see or reluctant to see the real truth behind the efficiency and productivity of his battle grown. The assume distraction of social box isn't the reason that fuels lack of activity among his brethren. The real reason behind such result is the sheer amount of responsibility his men has to carry. The orders from General of the Army towards his prep room flood the air we breathe, the room we shit, and the water we drink. Thus, the elimination of social box won't result in better efficiency between missions. Only by having more men that we are able to fight on par with the enemy. However, that's not what the Commander had in mind.

It proves time and time again that the surroundings has pushed the prep room to the boundary, over the hills and into the sea. We are at our limits, and yet, the Commander decides to take away the only sweets we have in this war of attrition. Right now, the enemy is at the gate, the brethren still have no idea when will the chaos strikes, we are on our own, for once... or is it?

Any how, the war is made up of battles, short peace time, truce and cunning tricks. It's time for me to have a deserve break. A totally different route I shall take, that will make my life more hearty. A different route one's take, will eventually bring a different life. Perhaps, a good one too.

The adventure begins in 2030. May the best man wins! (There goes my sleep)

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