Tuesday 1 April 2014


Maturity. Such a nice word. It's hard to ignore the significance of this 8-letter word. A word that describes a true man. A man with integrity, a man with selfless intentions. A man who is matured is one who knows what he wants in life. However, this 'segment', we are not talking about being a man in life, but being a man who is mature in dealing with love life.

Maturity in love life is a total different matter. In a love relationship, many factors are taken into account. One of the most important one, is mutual understanding.

Mutual understanding, the mother, or rather, the father of all love relationship matters. I remember during my previous relationship, I thought I've had enough understanding to withstand the test of time with my ex, but it turns out things not always at it seems. The things I previously thought I knew about her was actually half side of the coin.

The more you learn about someone, the more you'll ask yourself, "am I really suit her?", "is it all worth it?" as well as all the other negative thoughts that came into your mind. Some would argue that if a man is questioning himself about this, high chances the man does not love his woman enough. I beg to differ.

No doubt, some men do comes into that category, but I believe more men falls on the "Logic-love" category. Logic-love is a word I coined in 2 seconds as I was writing this post. The meaning is, for men, we are wired to think logically most of the time, it has been this way for thousands of years. Also, men are more logical because of the way we are build genetically. Thus, it's only normal for a man to think about all those questions when it happened. Because men will need to clearly know why he is doing this, and can he lasts through all those winter storm of emotion. And when a man clearly understand and answer those questions with a simple "yes", then no obstacles can hold him down in protecting and cherishing the one he loves. This, is one of the token of maturity.

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